Covenant University’s most valuable player, Igiebor Wisdom is on his path to football glory. With an intense passion for the sport, Igiebor fills us in on how he handles the reality of being a footballer while maintaining stability in his academics
What is football to you?
Football means everything to me. Football for me is the love of my life. I love the passion, I love the dedication, the sacrifice. Football is everything to me.
How do you joggle trying to be the best man on the pitch and being successful academically?
I put everything in God’s hand, because in his word he said “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. So, obviously, I put everything in his hands for him to direct me and balance everything because, I can’t do it all on my own.
How do your parents feel about you dedicating your time to football?
They feel very great, they feel very happy. But, what is always on their mind is “finish school first, so that you have something to fall back to, then you can go for your career”, so there’s no objection about my football career.
What keeps you motivated considering your chase for your passion, as well as facing academics in an environment like Covenant University with so much spirituality and social restrictions?
It’s just the love for the game, and the passion for the game. Football as I said is everything to me. So, you know when you love something, you always find time for it, you always create time for it. So, it is the passion
What do you do in your spare time that serves as a hobby asides football?
I read my Bible
As a plus, what would you say to other people that are trying to juggle between football and academics?
I will advise them to go to God because God will obviously direct you. He will help you to settle things, he will help you to balance things because you can’t do it on your own, I will not lie to you. God is the author and the finisher of our faith.