You know how it feels
To hear every day that blood is spilled
Thousands are killed but only few
Are reported on the news
Faithless prayers at the pews
Dirty players passing bills
We are scared to air our views!
You know how it feels
To waste time and your vote at the poll
36 states, mehn they’ll rig them all
Youth corpers answering the clarion call
Risk their lives and their all in the midst of a political brawl!
You know what it means
To have degree and still dey hungry
Apply for work, mehn they no go gree
Qualified but your daddy’s at the bottom of the hierarchy!
But guys, picture this…
Nigeria, clean, both street and our hearts
People dying only when it’s their time
Our culture of corruption falling apart
Where hardwork actually pays more than crime
People of integrity have the reigns of power
Don’t we all want light for 24 hours
Can’t I walk boldly with dreads past SARS
Can’t I be young and have my own cars??
Nigeria, with a righteous judiciary
I’m sure this was the plan initially
Nationally, funds spent rationally
Safety for truthful unbiased journalists
Young army recruits assured of life
Some of them have kids and a wife
Nigerian teachers qualified
Education dignified
Profit maximised